We are the facilitators of our own Evolution: Vaidya Tejaswini Bhale

We are the facilitators of our own Evolution: Vaidya Tejaswini Bhale
Each journey has a starting point and its different milestones with fascinating stories. Today when I look back, my whole professional life is in front of my eyes.
My Ayurveda Graduation times WISH:
During the graduation period at Tilak Ayurveda College, I was very much impressed with the patient examination methods. But also was very much worried, about how to recite Sanskrit shloka of each and every disease, its diagnosis and treatments. Also, to memorize names of medicines and their compositions with minute proportions was a big challenge. But I was so blessed that I could learn Ayurveda under Guru Shishya parampara and gain in depth knowledge and its clinical practice training.
As a student of science, using computers at home but the study was about ancient science always made me think, how modern time computers can be used in Ayurveda?
Modern diagnostics methods have many electronic machines like X ray, ECG, CT scan, USG but Ayurveda has nothing. But on the other side I must say, Ayurveda physicians have great knowledge of perception of inner health dosha imbalances and Ashtavidha examination methods. Without any help of electronic machines Vaidya can visualize pathogenesis happening inside the body organs. Anatomy of each and every artery, vein, muscles, bones, organs is well described in Ayurveda, that means Ayurvedacharya had super vision and practices to observe, learn and compile it. Those were the great scientists.
In my second year of BAMS, I was very much inclined towards learning Nadi Pariksha, with Gurus’ guidance, I started knowing its feel, perception, rhythm, movements, energy and strength and gunas. That time I always had a wish, was it possible for me to create a machine which could show Nadi graphs like ECG, and its observations should come in computerized language which are easy to understand, learn and to teach.
My wish came into Reality:
After 15 years, this wish was fulfilled when my mentor Dr Atul Kapdi sir, asked Dr Aniruddha Joshi to meet me.
I was astonished to see his work, his dedication. He worked for 13 years to collect Nadi data and get inputs about Nadi parameters from expert Vaidyas. He showed me the graphs of Nadi on the computer screen. Nadi was there like ECG, and that was the EUREKA moment for me too.
Me as Nadi Pariksha Domain Expertise
From August 2017 my Journey was started with Atreya Innovations as a Nadi Pariksha Domain expertise. Now there’s a strong bond between Me and Nadi Tarangini.
Before that I am having one more story with Atreya, that is related to my Masters degree, which I will discuss later.
With my clinical knowledge, 15 years of daily Nadi Pariksha practices, I started correlating those graphs with dosha gati, guna, and disease patterns. Data was there, inputs were there but to connect, correlate and bridge them, put them into Ayurveda terminology, and create its report card that opportunity and work was done by me. Now the graphs and values started talking with Vaidyas.
We launched Nadi Tarangini in the year 2018 and were well welcomed by Ayurveda practitioners.
Interaction with Artificial intelligence:
Today’s world is of AI and ML. Technology completely captured our lives. But for that system the intelligence is given by the man only. The strength of doing many calculations at a time and selecting the correct answer which our brain also does but this has limitations . This problem is solved by AI. For creating Nadi Tarangini’s report card I got to know about this backend work and did this intensively.
Explaining, compiling and making a data analysis bank of each and every parameter of Nadi graphs and waves which turned out as an extensive Nadi analysis report card which is the first ever done in the field of Ayurveda. This is the great source of evidence based practice. Nadi which I experienced from my clinical practice and of course the same is explained in ancient texts is the data source for me to do this work. I must say ancient texts are the perfect source of data mining and I converted that into today’s language through my perception of manual Nadi analysis and NT graphs and values. Analyzing Nadi graphs through its waveforms is my favorite work.
Me as a Researcher:
With huge data of Nadi from a cloud server, me and Aniruddha plotted different graphs with respect to Ayurveda parameters of Prakruti, Vikruti, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Agni, bala and Manas Bhav. We had best results from them which satisfies and matches with the descriptions written in ancient text Sharangdhar, Ravan krut Nadi, Yog Ratnakar. Clinical text of Charak samhita, Sushruta samhita, Astang Hrudaya, etc. matches with Nadi parameters.
Our research papers were selected and published in national and international level journals and conferences.
When we received keen attention from Hon Prime Minister Modiji was given a lifetime achievement award. Also, the Ministry of Ayush awarded Atreya with an excellence award which added a feather in our success stories.
Marketing Strategy building of Nadi Tarangini-
Before launching any product in the market, the company follows market research and feedback from customers. Here, came my role as an MBA Marketing student.
As I mentioned earlier, my mentor Dr Atul Kapdi suggested my name to Aniruddha Joshi. During my MBA studies in 2015, marketing internship, and Ayurveda-Nadi Pariksha expertise clubbed together opened the Gate ways of this world of Information Technology in healthcare system and AI for me.
For my master’s degree in marketing, my thesis was Developing Marketing Mix and Prototype testing for Nadi Tarangini. The dissertation was to study Promotional Strategy for Nadi Tarangini. Mrs. Aparna Ramachandran was Head of Marketing for Atreya. She guided me well and I was privileged to work with her.
This study helped to launch Nadi Tarangini as we studied Ayurveda doctors’ need, mindsets to make their clinic SMART. To counsel Ayurveda doctors to help them to learn the need of the time, Evidence based practice, Nadi Tarangini is the best choice.
Appreciation by Ayurveda masters-
I was invited to talk about the Clinical approach of Nadi Pariksha and its digitalization by Nadi Tarangini. Still today many Ayurveda practitioners don’t explain or talk about the science behind Nadi Pariksha. I dared to talk and discuss the same, which was well appreciated by Ayurveda masters. This is the most cherishing and motivating thing for me.
During one of the lectures, the renowned Vaidya Surya Prakash Sharma admired my session and mentioned that “At this young age you are having deep knowledge of Nadi Pariksha.”
New product development Turyaa:
Nadi Pariksha is the diagnostic method, next comes the suggestions and guidance. We did our research and development from LOLa, PulSay to Turyaa within 3 years. To provide the best inputs for UI/UX of the App was a superb experience. Developing an app, its testing and providing all suggestions through it was a learning experience.
I got this great opportunity to design, develop and launch our Ayurveda and Nutrition science based Lifestyle app with my core team Aniruddha Joshi and Mrs Shruti Kulkarni.
Creating diet plans with recipes was fantastic work and I could make value add in my Food and cooking science. This App had a bang ON success.
Research and Product development in Pandemic:
The Pandemic period was the super occupied, innovative and fruitful time we had. We also suffered from a bad time in the pandemic, but our research and product study work went day and night. Stressful but very much good work and time we spent in these 2 crucial years.
Also, clinical research work, collaboration with Ayurveda Institutes like AIIA happened to enhance our work. Dealing with renowned vaidyas and institutes, helped to boost my morale and connect.
Grant proposal writing was a great experience. As a hard core clinician, this was a complete new learning for me. And we cracked one too!!!
Pan India research with Nutritionists enhanced our recipes and Ayurveda based suggestions in a personalized way made our study unique.
Many more milestones are waiting. Definitely we will come up with innovative products based on Ayurveda and wellness for mankind.
From being an aspiring Ayurveda student to a dedicated Ayurveda practitioner to a Nadi Pariksha Expert to a Mentor. My journey has always been extremely fulfilling, evolving & inspiring. I Wish to have an amazing work life with Atreya Innovations, my beloved Nadi Tarangini and a bright and hardworking young Team.
One step at a time our journeys keep moving ahead, evolving new paths, paving the way, creating new opportunities for us & for all!!!
Vaidya. Tejaswini Sameer Bhale
Ayurvedacharya, PGPP, MBA, DYA
Prakruti Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, Pune
Nadi Pariksha domain expertise
Nadi Tarangini, Atreya Innovations Pvt Ltd. Pune
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Comment (1)
Dr.Sudhir Kant Sharma
Namaste NTR team 🙏
I visited your office in March 2018,
Was Impressed by the Device and it’s Result with Demo Test On Myself there-more than 85% bang On about my Prakruti.
Your team visited and Installed it in My Clinic at Bulandshahr,U.P. in April 18.
Since then I have experienced Amazing results in My Clinical Diagnosis with Nadi Tarangini Results.
In Today’s Times it Convinces the Intelligent Persons of AYURVEDIC DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT
I have tested and Adviced persons from USA and UK _ Having Impressed them About Their Body Type and Doshas and Positive Feedback from them
After Lifestyle and Dietary Changes made by Them.
You All Are doing A Great Effort for Making Ayurved SMART.
I would love to visit Pune again to meet Dr.Tejaswini Ji and gain more Insight about Interpretation of The Reports and Clinical Implementation for the Benefit of Patients.