Ayurvedic Practices for Emotional Well-being: Cultivating Harmony and Joy.
Have you ever feel frustrated, anxious and stress out during your work time ? Is this pressure affecting your personal life, social life and even relationship ? Research has shown that emotional intelligence is twice as important as technical skills or IQ when it comes …
Ayurvedic Insights into Seasonal Wellness: Adapting Your Routine for Optimal Health.
Some observations related to season wise outburst of diseases. Common cold and flu are most common during the fluctuations in weather. Peak time generally occurs between late December and early March in most parts. Arthritis, skin diseases (eczema & psoriasis), flare up in winter. Children …
The Ayurvedic Guide to Enhancing Energy Levels and Vitality.
Vitality means the state of being full of energy. It is person’s ability to live, grow, and develop.Vitality also refers to having energy and being vigorous and active. In the physical sense, this vitality refers to feeling healthy, capable, and energetic. Mental vitality is a …
Ayurvedic Solutions for Skin Problems: Addressing imbalances for radiant Skin
My friend is using ABC cream for Acne. I have also used that but it’s not working for me. Recently our group went for trekking but only my skin got tanned and I am having rash too on my face. Why that is to me …
The Art of Ayurvedic Cooking: Nourishing Body and Soul with Sattvic Foods
Doctor! I am consuming salads and sprouts regularly at dinner time in the last 6 months for achieving my target weight but now a days I am having some serious digestive issues which are not resolving. I am in doubt with my new diet plan. …
Ayurvedic Self-Care Rituals for Busy Professionals: Finding Balance in a Hectic World.
We are living in this digital and fast-acting world, which has speeded up our daily routine and it has impacted our lives including health in many ways. Many of us awaken bleary-eyed and then hit the snooze button to catch more sleep. We often feel …
Self awareness / Prakruti – Know more about yourself with the help of Ayurveda.
I often face acidity problem after late night office work though I took meal at early evening. My skin is too sensitive and I always have skin problems like acne, sun burns, eczema with changing season. My daughter is eating everything healthy on right time …
It’s Time to Detox: Rekindling the “Self-Love mode”!!!
Hello…. How was your Valentine’s Day celebration yesterday? We are sure you are on the top of the world, feeling loved & pampered in several different ways. So, did you celebrate your Valentine’s Day with your Loved ones in a homely environment? Or did you …
Your soulmate Your Real valentine
Lets see your Love, relationship with a new perspective. Ayurveda explained different personalities and Prakruti. The three energies play a romantic role in our life too. The bond of love and affection starts when someone likes another’s nature, his or her company and feeling of …
The Three Company
Ayurveda is a ‘wholistic’ science. Atleast that’s what you must have heard or read somewhere, before reading this post. But have you ever given it a thought? As to what exactly does it mean by wholistic? What difference does it make? Is it really that …