Self awareness / Prakruti – Know more about yourself with the help of Ayurveda.

- I often face acidity problem after late night office work though I took meal at early evening.
- My skin is too sensitive and I always have skin problems like acne, sun burns, eczema with changing season.
- My daughter is eating everything healthy on right time with appropriate proportions but she is not gaining weight as per expectation.
- My boss is completely cool and calm. He is well organized and with appropriate plans every time that automatically reduces team work stress.
These situations are very common all around us and the main and unique reason behind the particular physical and psychological traits of individual is Prakruti. Prakruti is very unique concept elaborated by Ayurveda and it is like fingerprint which is very unique and different for each and every individual.
Linking with the Prakruti –
Prakruti is an inherent nature of an individual determined at the time of birth, which cannot be changed during your lifetime. Prakruti stands for nature of the body in terms of dosha and is decided at the time of conception according to the predominance of dosha. It does not change during the whole life and is responsible for the physical and mental characteristics of an individual.
In simple language, we all born with some unique ‘default’ settings. These settings make us special among rest of the people. Your inborn metabolic setting is your ‘Prakruti’. This decides your first reaction when you interact with environment.
The Constitution or Prakruti is a unique setting of characters and attributes. This setting determines- how your body and mind will instinctively react when confronted by a stimulus. Many of the traits you prize in your personality arise from and are dependent on these characteristics. Many of the qualities you dislike in yourself also arise from these tendencies.
In short, by knowing about all the strengths and weaknesses related to physical as well as psychological health of individual, one can take very well preventive measures to overcome all the weakness and health problems. This is the unique key described by Ayurveda for achieving individual specific ‘HEALTH GOALS’.
Knowing your Prakruti allows you to know your body and mind better –
Each prakriti has specific physical and mental characteristics which totally depend on the involvement of dosha. This prakriti is of seven types according to tridosha. Vata prakruti, Pitta prakruti, Kapha prakruti, Vata- pitta, Pitta- Kapha, Kapha- vata , Tridoshaj are total seven prakruti among which Tridoshaj is said to be most balanced prakruti with all good traits.
The individuals of specific prakriti exhibit biological variations in terms of structure, function, behaviour, individual response to internal and external environmental stimuli, susceptibility to different diseases, etc.
Here are some physical as well as psychological traits associated with Prakruti –
Vata prakruti –
The prakruti with predominant Vata dosha is called Vata prakruti.
Vata people often have a small or thin frame and dry skin and hair. They are sensitive to cold weather and may have cold extremities, circulation issues, and joint pain. Their personalities can be entertaining, dynamic, and enthusiastic. They are also said to be creative, perceptive, and sensitive people.
Strengths –
Learn quickly, highly creative, multitasker, kind-hearted, flexible, ‘on the go’ naturally slim.
Weaknesses –
Forgetful, anxious, unstable mood, can get overwhelmed easily, highly sensitive to the cold, has trouble sleeping, irregular appetite and eating patterns, prone to digestive issues and gas, poor circulation etc.
Pitta prakruti –
The prakruti with predominant pitta dosha is called Pitta prakruti.
People with pitta are said to usually have a muscular build, be very athletic, and serve as strong leaders. They’re highly motivated, goal-oriented, and competitive. They are with fair skin, thin hair and with good metabolism. They are highly sensitive for heat and spicy food.
Strengths –
Intelligent, purposeful, learns quickly, self-determined, masters skills easily, strong desire for success, strong, natural leaders, good metabolism, good circulation, healthy skin and short hair.
Weaknesses –
Impatient, prone to conflict, always hungry, mood swings when hungry, prone to acne and inflammation, sensitive to hot temperatures.
Kapha Prakruti –
The prakruti with predominant kapha dosha is called Kapha prakruti.
People with this dosha are described as strong, thick-boned, and caring. They’re known for keeping things together and being a support system for others. Kapha-dominant people rarely get upset, think before acting, and go through life in a slow, deliberate manner.
Strengths –
Empathetic, caring, trusting, patient, calm, wise, happy, romantic, strong bones and joints, healthy immune system.
Weaknesses –
Prone to weight gain, slow metabolism, sluggishness, over-sleeping, breathing issues (i.e., asthma, allergies), higher risk of heart disease, mucus buildup, susceptible to depression, needs regular motivation and encouragement.
Once you understand these traits, lifestyle change according to these can help you to get rid of the diseases and also help you in preservation of health.
As we all know Ayurvedic treatment for every individual is different and along with diagnosis the treatment approach mentioned by Ayurveda is very individual specific.
Prakruti affects each factor by which a person is going to interact and decides the status of health. It is clearly indicated in texts that lifestyle and various activities should be planned in order to maintain prakruti related health balances in order to achieve health goals.
This prakruti can be decided by observing body physic of an individual along with some questionnaire related to physiology of the body.
More to this, in the treatment approach mentioned by Ayurveda based on Nadi pariksha, it is illustrated that predominant dosha of the Prakruti of an individual should be matched with the predominant dosha of Nadi for health harmony. If Dosha predominance diagnosed by Nadi pariksha is different that prakruti then it is responsible entity for disturbing health harmony. Vaidya can diagnose predominant dosha along with its guna in particular sthan i.e. systems of body by examining Nadi pariksha.
Connecting with Nadi Tarangini –
Nadi Tarangini comes with blended benefits of Ayurveda wisdom along with patented, sensor-based technology which can diagnose prakruti and Nadi of an individual. Meaning Nadi Tarangini can provide apt pathological changes within body at very early stage in terms of Dosha alteration differing from individual prakruti.
Questionnaires provided by Nadi Tarangini can diagnosed your prakruti by assessing predominant physical and psychological traits.
Nadi Tarangini can diagnose predominant dosha by Nadi pariksha. Based on which we can determine vikruti or dosha vitiation within body.
For achieving health harmony and good quality of life along with individual specific health goals, fitness goals, Nadi Tarangini can provide very individual specific lifestyle modifications which includes.
- Dietary and nutrition requirements.
- Dietary changes for correcting metabolic health.
- Psychological assignments for achieving good emotional health.
- Individual specific diet recipes / quantity / timings.
- Yoga and physical activity suitable for particular prakruti.
- Food options considering Likes and dislikes according to prakruti.
- Reminder about Diseases which are prone to you.
- Water intake guideline.
- Follow up by Nadi Pariksha considering previous graphs.
- Seasonal changes to be included according to prakruti.
- Considering body responses to different condition and suggesting preventive measures.
Each Prakriti has different characteristic features. The concept of Prakriti makes Ayurveda unique from other medical systems. Assessment of Prakriti analysis will not only help in understanding the physical and mental constitution of patient, but also plays a vital role in prognosis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of many diseases.