Relationships From The Point Of Ayurveda

Love, relationship and 3 dosha Opposite poles attract each other. And this is very true if we consider our physical and psychological traits.
In Ayurveda body constitution or body type or prakruti is defined as Manas that is psychological and sharir i.e. physical and physiological. If you know what is body type of your partner you can easily accept or change yourself for better life.
Body type not only covers the mind state but also their physical appearance strength stamina and digestion metabolism which leads to final immunity.
If you could find out whether this is normal or balanced state of your partner then you can easily accept their habits, nature and food preferences. Resulting no one will blame others by their nature or hobbies or food habits.
Kapha person is very calm, steady and loves arts. To balance kapha needs the opposite pitta. Pitta is very courageous, dynamic and supports kapha mind. Also, vata is very creative and charming which enhances kapha artistic mind. Plan for a Riverside romantic dinner or musical mehfil.
Kapha is having slow digestion but good stamina. Select light and low calorie diet. Kapha likes spicy, bitter taste. So if your partner cooks or order food of your preference then that is most healthy. Can workout slowly and steadily but for longer duration.
Pitta is very aggressive and angry in nature. To cool down this, kapha helps with its calm and loving nature. Pitta are very romantic and likes more and more challenges. Pitta partner should or can surprise him or her with romantic, soothing, candle light dinner and calming music. Pitta has strong appetite and digestion. Pitta loves sweet, bitter, astringent. Pitta person can consume heavy and high calories diet. Pitta has moderate stamina so go for mild gym workout and fresh air exercises more.
Vata personality is very dynamic cherishing and full of energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes to control it needs steadiness of kapha and to flow this energy in correct and positive way needs pitta support. Throw a dance party with many friends will be a big surprise and appreciable to vata. Vata has irregular hunger and unstable digestion with fair strength and stamina. Vata likes sweet, sour and salty food. Go for moderate workouts together with more hiking and biking.
Now try to find out your partners body type and accept their habits and routines and try to mould for your best friend or life partner’s healthy and peaceful life.
If you accept each others with his or her good and bad. Actually those bad are by your thoughts but they are good for their prakruti.
Life will be more beautiful and lovely when you understand each
other in this scientific way too.
Vaidya. Tejaswini Sameer Bhale
Ayurvedacharya, PGPP, MBA, DYA
Prakruti Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, Pune
Nadi Pariksha domain expertise
Nadi Tarangini, Atreya Innovations Pvt Ltd. Pune
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