Ayurvedic Insights into Seasonal Wellness: Adapting Your Routine for Optimal Health.
Some observations related to season wise outburst of diseases. Common cold and flu are most common during the fluctuations in weather. Peak time generally occurs between late December and early March in most parts. Arthritis, skin diseases (eczema & psoriasis), flare up in winter. Children …
Ayurvedic Perspectives on Heart Health: Supporting cardiovascular wellness Naturally.
A boy with age 28 years collapsed due to cardiac arrest during trekking. He recovered well after hospitalization and due to crucial help by surrounding people at that moment. Your brain is not having enough oxygen supply that is why you are facing problems related …
Ayurveda and Stress Relief: Holistic Techniques for Relaxation and Resilience.
As per the study, every third person in India is grappling with stress. The report said that 77% of Indians experience at least one symptom of stress regularly. Survey of more than 5,000 employees in India found that professionals between ages 21 and 30 years …
The Ayurvedic Guide to Enhancing Energy Levels and Vitality.
Vitality means the state of being full of energy. It is person’s ability to live, grow, and develop.Vitality also refers to having energy and being vigorous and active. In the physical sense, this vitality refers to feeling healthy, capable, and energetic. Mental vitality is a …
Ayurvedic Solutions for Skin Problems: Addressing imbalances for radiant Skin
My friend is using ABC cream for Acne. I have also used that but it’s not working for me. Recently our group went for trekking but only my skin got tanned and I am having rash too on my face. Why that is to me …
Ayurvedic Practices for Joint Health and Mobility: Strengthening the Body
Walking is best and basic exercise for fitness but my knees are hurting everyday due to osteoarthritis. Should I continue my walk or is it affecting my knees negativity? Can I practice Suryanamaskar and asana having backward bends daily which I used to practice since …
The Art of Ayurvedic Cooking: Nourishing Body and Soul with Sattvic Foods
Doctor! I am consuming salads and sprouts regularly at dinner time in the last 6 months for achieving my target weight but now a days I am having some serious digestive issues which are not resolving. I am in doubt with my new diet plan. …
Ayurvedic Insights into Digestive Health: Healing the Gut with Ancient Wisdom.
All disease begins in the gut.’ Ayurveda said it thousands of years ago, and it’s one of the foundational principles of Ayurveda. Ayurveda texts have laid lot of importance on Agni i.e. digestive power or transformation forces. Agni in Sankrit means fire and is used …
Ayurvedic Approach to Women Hormonal Health: Balancing Pitta and Vata.
I feel exhausted and tired daily in the morning though I took regular 8 hours of sleep. Puffy face at morning time, bloating, lack of energy and disturbances in menstrual period are hampering my daily routine and disturbing my family also. A 48-year lady having …
Exploring the Ayurvedic Perspective on Mental Clarity and Cognitive Health.
My son who is preparing for medical entrance exams has constantly facing issues regarding concentration, cognitive recollect and mental clarity due to which he is struggling with time during exams. My mother-in-law, who is 60 years old, recently started showing symptoms of mild dementia due …